June 19-24, 2018. Also at Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, CA. A big, prestigious show, deep competition. Sharon Richards, Show Secretary, Newcastle, CA. 956-645-2288. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
June 12-17, 2018. Over 150 classes, 400 horses at 2015 show, from MN, WI, IA, ND, SD, IL and NE. Show Manager, Joan Rose, 608-435-6405. Show Secretary, Leesa Berhow, 715-294-3092. IAB Sweepstakes halter classes, performance futurities. All three shows at Minnesota State Fairgrounds, St. Paul, MN. Region 10 Dressage & Sport Horse Championships, June 12-17, 2016, Saturday: Sport horse classes; Sunday, Dressage classes through Prix Ste. Georges. Show Secretary Ryan Chambers, 314-717-7683; Show Manager, Nancy Miller, 608-825-9986.
May 30-June 2, 2018, at Will Rogers Memorial Center, Fort Worth. TX. Show Secretary, Melanni Hershberger, Scottsdale, AZ. 480-443-3372. Nancy Braesticke, Scurry, TX is Show Manager. Show Secretary, Melanni Hershberger, Scottsdale, AZ. 480-443-3372. Nancy Braesticke, Scurry, TX is Show Manager.
Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, Ca. Pre-Show May 18; Region 1 Championships May 18-20, 2018. Show Secretary Nancy Harvey, 490 E. Montecito Ave., Sierra Madre, CA (626) 355-9101. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
Region 12 Championships held at Perry GA May 7-12, 2018
May 3-6, 2018. The Region 17 Pre-Show is May 3, all at Stampede Park, Calgary, Alberta. Full complements of main ring halter and performance classes, and impressive dressage and sport horse offerings. Held annually at Calgary’s famous Stampede Park, which boasts, “50 years of experience; One million square feet of space.” For more info, contact Darlene Brouwer, 403-350-6005.
February 15-25, 2018. West World, Scottsdale, AZ. Show Secretary, Mary Katanga, Peoria, AZ. 623-334-5219. Fully accredited; world’s largest Arabian horse show of its kind, with more than 2,000 horses and a huge trade show; more than 300,000 people attend annually, from an estimated 50 countries.
December 1-4, 2016, Scottsdale, AZ, held at West World. Show Secretary, Melanni Hershberger, Scottsdale, AZ. 480-443-3372. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
December 1-4, 2016, Glen Rose, TX. One of two North Texas Arabian Horse Club-sponsored shows. Shootout is held at Somervell Expo Center, Glen Rose TX. Kristen Fisher, Show Manager, 214-284-7094. Show Secretary, Patty Liarako, 210-912-8670. USEF and AHA approved.
November 26-28, 2015, in Bob Thomas Equestrian Center, at the Florida State Fairgrounds, Tampa, FL. Show Secretary Donna Auber, 12550 State Rte. 44, Mantua, OH. 330-274-2039. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
November 4-6 2016, Scottsdale, AZ. USEF, AHA, USDEF approved. Put on by the Arabian Horse Association of Arizona, at West World. Show Secretary, Mary Katanga, Peoria, AZ. 623-334-5219. Show Manager, Taryl Sharp, 480-515-1500.
puts on 2 one-day shows for Arabian sport horses, obstacle driving and dressage, October 24- 25, 2015 at the Heart K Land and Cattle Co., Arena, in Livingston, MT. Show Secretary, Michael Taylor, Pocatello, ID. 208-637-2755.
The U.S. Nationals ranks as the most prestigious North American championship in the Arabian show horse industry. As always, this flagship event will offer Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses while both amateur and professional riders or handlers compete in halter, native costume, reining, working cow, cutting, trail, show hack, sidesaddle, park horse, driving and english, western and hunter classes.
October 8-9, 2016, at Grays Harbor Fairgrounds, Elma, WA. Fully accredited, 142 halter and performance classes. Show Secretary Lisa Kolke, Battle Ground, WA. 360-687-2256.
Region 1 - October 4, 2015, at Galway Downs, Temecula, CA. 300 classes, inc. full complement of main ring classes, dressage and sport horse classes. US Nationals qualifier. Show Secretary Nancy Harvey, Sierra Madre, CA. (626) 355-9101.
October 2-5, 2016, at Minnesota State Fairgrounds, St. Paul, MN. Minnesota Medallion Stallion Auction and Futurities. Five judges for halter; 3 of 5 judges for all performance classes. Show Secretary Mary Tronson, Andover, MN. Tel. 763-755-1698. Show Manager Greg Brown: 612-761-1048.
Four 1-day chili-roast shows in October. Two are run concurrently the first day; and two more, the second day. The first shows are held in Albuquerque’s Expo New Mexico’s Dairy Barn; the second two, in Expo New Mexico’s Horse Arena. Show Secretary for all four is Tara Turner, Moriarty, NM. 505-832-6823.
October 1-2, 2015. Spanish Fork, UT. USEF, AHA and USDF approved. Contact Dayle Dickhaut, Pocatello, ID. 208-234-0157.
Sept 23-25, 2016. Brookside Equestrian Park, Elk Grove, CA. Show Secretary, Melanni Hershberger, Scottsdale, AZ. 480-443-3372. USEF, AHA and USDF approved. Three judges. Coke Swift, Show Manager: 209-464-1932.
September 23-25, 2016. Oregon Horse Center, Eugene, OR. Show Secretary, Heather Engstrom, Eugene, OR 97402. 541-689-9700. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
September 30-October 3, 2015, Equidome at Westworld, Scottsdale AZ. An Arabian Horse Association of Arizona production. Features 53 halter classes for all ages of colts and stallions, fillies and mares. Classes include Breeders’ Club, Egyptian Heritage and Scottsdale Signature Stallion classes. Six international judges. Show Secretary Mary Kanaga, Peoria, AZ. Tel 480-322-7437. Taryl Oshea is Show Manager: 480-515-1500.
August 27-29, 2016, at Roberts Arena, Wilmington, OH. Show Secretary, Donna Auber, 12550 State Rte. 44, Mantua, OH. 330-274-2039. Full schedule of main ring, sport horse and National Show Horse classes; USEF, USDF, NSHR, AHA approved. Show Manager, Cindy Clinton, Lewisburg, OH, 637-962-4336.
Region 12 - August 26-28, 2016 (concurrent), Reaves Arena at Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, Perry, GA. Full schedule of main ring, dressage, hunter over fences, sport horse and main ring classes for Arabians and Half-Arabians. Six judges; USEF, USDF and AHA approved. Show Secretary, Nancy Baker, Forest City, NC. 828-305-4023.
July 16-17, 2016, also at the Champions Center, Springfield, Ohio. Show Secretary, Jean Hedger, Dayton, OH. 937-434-6114. USEF, USDF, AHA approved.
Region 11 - July 7-10, 2016, also at Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL. Show Secretary, Nancy Harvey, Sierra Madre, CA, 626-355-9101. USEF, AHA. USEF, and USDF approved.
July 7-10, 2016, at Simon Arena, Cannon Falls, MN. Main ring classes, Thursday, Friday; Dressage classes, Saturday, Sunday. A Region 10 qualifier. Show Secretary, Leesa Berhow, Osceola, WI. 715-294-3092. Show Manager Chuck Rickart, 612-360-1283.
July 6-10, 2016, Evergreen Equestrian Park, Monroe, WA. Fully accredited (USEF, AHA, USDF); Show Secretary, Patricia A. Hough, Graham, WA. 253- 847-8842. Pre-Show July 6, two judges; Show 8-10, 3 judges. Full schedule of halter and performance classes; US Nationals qualifier.
Region 11 - July 6, 2016. At Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL. Five judges. Show Secretary, Nancy Harvey, Sierra Madre, CA, 626-355-9101. USEF, AHA, USDF approved.
Region 14 - June 30-July 3, 2016, at the Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, KY. Seven judges. Features the 1-day Bill and Betty Zekan Memorial Youth Show; main ring and sport horse classes, running concurrently. Show Secretary, Jean Hedger, Dayton, OH. 937-434-6114.Show Manager, Cindy Clinton, Lewisburg, OH, 637-962-4336. Dressage Coordinator, Gloria Bush, 724935-3631.
Region 13 - June 22-26, 2016, held at the Champions Center, Springfield, Ohio. Show Secretary Donna Auber, 12550 State Rte. 44, Mantua, OH. 330-274-2039. USEF, USDF, NSHR, AHA approved.
Region 13 - June 22-26, 2016, held at the Champions Center, Springfield, Ohio. Show Secretary Donna Auber, 12550 State Rte. 44, Mantua, OH. 330-274-2039. USEF, USDF, NSHR, AHA approved.
Region 4 Pre-Show and Championships, June 20-27, 2016. Held at Oregon Horse Center, Eugene, OR. USEF, AHA and USDF approved. For information contact Peggy Weems: 541-915-5535; or Pat Hough: 253-847-8842.
Region 15 - June 17-19, 2016, also at Horse Park of New Jersey at Stone Tavern, Allentown, NJ. Show Secretary, Joan Mitch, Germansville, PA. 610-914-7008. All USEF ratings. USDF and AHA approved.
Region 13 - June 16-19, 2016 (concurrent), at Hoosier Horse Park, Edinburgh, IN. Show Secretary Donna Auber, 12550 State Rte. 44, Mantua, OH. 330-274-2039. USEF, USDF, NSHR, AHA approved.
Region 13 - June 11-12, 2016, by the Kentucky Arabian Riders & Breeders Society, at Roberts Arena, Wilmington, OH. Show Secretary, Jean Hedger, Dayton, OH. 937-434-6114. USEF, USDF, NSHR, AHA approved. Show Manager, Bev Broughton, Batesville, IN. 812-852-2200.
June 9-12, 2016, Evergreen Equestrian Park, Monroe, WA. Sponsored by the Half-Arabian Club of Washington; USEF, AHA and USDF approved. Show Secretary, Bonnie Braden, Snohomish, WA. 425-338-1431. Show Manager, Joan Palelek, 206-972-2163.
June 5-6, 2016, at Calnash Trucking Expo Center, Ponoka, Alberta (concurrent). Full schedules of main ring halter and performance classes; two days of dressage and sport horse classes. Show Secretary, Marion Enders, Inninsfail, AB. 403-227-0538.
Region 13 - June 3-5, 2016, East Lansing, MI. Show Secretary Sally Epps, Rio, WI, 920-922-3293. USEF, USDF, AHA approved.
May 27-29, 2016, at Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, MA. Full complement of main ring halter and performance classes in Eastern States Coliseum’s 100’ by 200’ center arena, with seating for 5,000. Two days of dressage and sport horse classes. USEF, AHA, USDF approved. Show Secretary, Beth Barnes, Southington, CT.
Region 14 - May 26-29, 2016, at Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus, OH. One of the nation’s most prestigious Arabian shows. USEF, USDF, AHA approved. Show Secretary, Jean Hedger, Dayton, OH. 937-434-6114. Show Manager, Cindy Clinton, Lewisburg, OH, 937-962-4336.
Buckeye show 2016
(Region 14) May 24-27, 2018, at Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus, OH. One of the nation’s most prestigious Arabian shows. USEF, USDF, AHA approved. Show Secretary, Jean Hedger, Dayton, OH. 937-434-6114.Show Manager, Cindy Clinton, Lewisburg, OH, 637-962-4336.
Region 15 - May 20-22, 2016, at Horse Park of New Jersey at Stone Tavern, Allentown, NJ. Show Secretary, Joan Mitch, Germansville, PA. 610-914-7008. All USEF ratings because well-appointed facility offers something for everyone, across the board!
May 20-22, 2016, both held at Saline County Fairgrounds, Benton, AR. Region 9 qualifying shows include a full schedule of halter and performance classes, and more than a dozen American Saddlebred Opportunity classes. USEF and AHA approved. Show Secretary, Alan Harmon, Bigelow, AR. 501-330-2272.
May 9-10, 2015. Earl Warren Showgrounds, Santa Barbara, CA. 87 classes; Sharon Richards, Show Secretary, Newcastle, CA. 956-645-2288. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
Region 3 - May 19-22, 2016. Brookside Equestrian Park, Elk Grove, CA. Show Secretary, Melanni Hershberger, Scottsdale, AZ. 480-443-3372. USEF, AHA and USDF approved. Three judges. Coke Swift, Show Manager: 209-464-1932.
May 19-22, 2016, at Santa Rosa Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA, with 187 performance and halter classes for Arabians and Half-Arabians; numerous perpetual trophies and awards. This 57-year-old show, put on by the Golden Gate Arabian Horse Assn., is highly regarded. Nancy Goertzen, Show Secretary, Visalia, CA 93292. 559-625-2631.
Region 16 - May 13-15, 2016, at Eastern States Exposition, West Springfield, MA. Full complement of main ring halter and performance classes in Eastern States Coliseum’s 100’ by 200’ center arena, with seating for 5,000. Two days of dressage and sport horse classes. USEF, AHA, USDF approved. Show Secretary Beth Barnes, Southington, CT. Show Chairman, Bill Bohl, 860-596-4143.
May 6, 2016, concurrent with May 7-8 show, Lincoln, NE. Held at Lancaster Event Center, Lincoln, NE. Show Secretary, Ruth Charpie, Lees Summit, MO. 816-765-5683. USEF, AHA, NSHR approved.
Region 16 - May 6-8, 2016, at the New York State Fairgrounds, Syracuse, NY. Three judges. Full schedule of main ring halter and performance classes; two days of FEI dressage; hunters, sport horses. USEF, AHA and USDF approved. Show Secretary, Lindsey Hager, Collins, NY. 716-481-4907.
(Region 15) April 29-May 1, 2016, at the Quentin Riding Club, Lebanon, PA. The 80-year-old club is one of the East’s premier riding and show facilities. Show Secretary, Pamela Turner, Horseheads, NY. 607-739-3341. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
April 29-May 1, 2016, at Minnesota State Fairgrounds, St. Paul, MN. Show Secretary Mary Tronson, Andover, MN. Tel. 763-755-1698. USEF, AHA, USDF approved.
April 29-May 1, 2016, at Will Rogers Memorial Center, Ft. Worth, TX. Show Secretary, Sherry McGraw, Corsicana, TX. 903-872-7279. Kristen Fisher is again Show Manager: 214-284-7094. USEF and AHA approved.
Region 14 - April 22-24, 2016, at Champions Arena, Springfield, OH. Full schedule of main ring and sport horse classes; 13 National Show Horse classes, a qualifier for Regions14 and 15. Show Secretary, Jean Hedger, Dayton, OH. 937-434-6114. Show Manager, Cindy Clinton, Lewisburg, OH, 637-962-4336. Fully accredited: USEF, USDF, NSHR, and AHA.
Region 11 - April 16-17, 2016, at Iowa Equestrian Center, Cedar Rapids, IA. Two judges, and USEF, AHA, USDF approved. Show Secretary, Gary Paine, Lacona, IA. 614-466-3320.
April 15-17, 2016, also held at Grays Harbor Fairgrounds in Elma, WA. USEF, AHA and USDF approved. Show Secretary, Lanora Callahan, Eatonville, WA. 360-832-3100.
April 8-10, 2016, at Lamar Dixon Expo Center, Gonzales, LA. A qualifier for Regions 9 and 12, is sponsored by Louisiana Arabian Horse Association. Three judges, inc. one for sport horses. Show Manager/Show Secretary Beth Walker, Prairieville, LA. 225-772-6815. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
Region 12 - April 8-10, 2016, at Lamar Dixon Expo Center, Gonzales, LA. A qualifier for Regions 9 and 12, sponsored by Louisiana Arabian Horse Association. Three judges, includes one for sport horses. Show Manager/Show Secretary Beth Walker, Prairieville, LA. 225-772-6815. USEF, AHA and USDF approved. (this show also in Region 9 section)
April 8-10, 2016, Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, CA. Full complement of classes. Nancy Harvey, Show Secretary Nancy Harvey, Sierra Madre, CA. (626) 355-9101. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
Region 12 - April 1-3, 2016, at the WNC Agricultural Center, Fletcher, NC. Show Secretary, Nancy Baker, Forest City, NC. 828-305-4023. A Regions 12 and 14 qualifier, four judges for hunter over fences, sport horse and dressage classes; two judges for main ring halter and performance classes. Show Manager Robert Obermiller, 828-674-1758.
March 24-27, 2016. Oregon Horse Center, Eugene, OR. Heather Engstrom, Show Secretary, Eugene, OR. 541-689-9700.
Region 1 - Rancho California Arabian Horse Association and Arabian Horse Association of San Joaquin Valley’s Annual Spring Show at LA Equestrian Center, Burbank, CA. March 18-21. Regions 1 and 2 qualifier; two judges; USEF, AHA and USDF approved. Show Secretary Nancy Harvey, Sierra Madre, CA. (626) 355-9101
Region 12 - March 5-6, 2016, at Canterbury Showplace, Newberry, FL. Two main ring judges; two judges for dressage and sport horse, inc. FEI and western dressage. $10,000 in payouts to amateurs. Show Secretary, Carlie Evans, Newberry, FL. 352-215-0710. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
(Region 15) March 5-6, 2016, at Canterbury Showplace, Newberry, FL. Two main ring judges; two judges for dressage and sport horse, inc. FEI and western dressage. $10,000 in payouts to amateurs. Show Secretary, Carlie Evans, Newberry, FL. 352-215-0710. USEF, AHA and USDF approved.
Region 11 - March 4-6, 2016, at National Equestrian Center, Lake St. Louis, MO. 194 classes, USEF, AHA, USDF approved. Show Secretary, Ryan Chambers, 314-717-7683; On-Site Show Managers, Mike and Kari Felton.
Youth Nationals is the Arabian Horse Association's premier youth event. It is held this year from July 18-25 with competition in english, western, side saddle, native costume, working cow, dressage, and hunter disciplines.
Contact Marilyn Norton, Show Secretary, at marilynnorton@gmail.com. Show information and Prize List is available on the website www.region15aha.com
In Perry, GA is a Region 12 event occurring April 17-19. Contact Nancy Baker.